

Welcome to our blog where we share valuable know-how from events, insights from role models and much more!


Welcome to our blog where we share valuable know-how from events, insights from role models and much more!

The Role Models

Role Model katharina Wohlrab, CEO of Tech4Girls and FLINTA in STEM
Angela Lötscher

Role Model: Katharina Wohlrab

Breaking the stereotypes is important to Katharina, who studied sociology and computer science and is now a podcast host as well as the CEO of Tech4Girls, an NGO that teaches computer science to primary school girls… Read More

Role Model Lisa Falco
Géraldine Lüdi

Role Model: Lisa Falco

Book author and AI & Data Consultant Lisa has worked 15+ years in different startups in the MedTech sector, mainly in roles related to data science and AI. She shares why becoming an engineer despite not being a “techie” is a good thing… Read More

Image of smiling Role Model Mira Wolf-Bauwens
Janine Fuchs

Role Model: Mira Wolf-Bauwens

Driven by the ability to discover something new every day and to have an impact, Mira strongly believes that quantum computing is shifting the paradigm of computing altogether, enabling us to address problems that we cannot explore with classical computers… Read More

Angela Lötscher

Role Model: Vanessa Gentile

With roots across the world and ending up in tech by coincidence, Vanessa not only made it to a high position at a large company, but also created the programme Bring Women Back to Work. Read the interesting journey of this remarkable role model and get some invaluable tips … Read More

Black-and-white portrait picture of Role Model Caroline Matteucci
Sabrina Schenardi

Role Model: Caroline Matteucci

Since Caroline was 8 years old, she wanted to change the world. After her work path took her into policing, the health sector, counseling and coaching, she today helps people to learn about non-verbal communication… Read More

Portrait photo of Stephanie Sievers
Petra Ehmann

Role Model: Stephanie Sievers

Stephanie shares her story to encourage young talent to lead with their passions, to dare to make bold moves, to take risks and try out things. And what an interesting story it is!… Read More

Picture of Role Model Christiane Demgenski on outdoor background
Melanie Gabriel

Role Model: Christiane Demgenski

Christiane is CPO at Awina AG, a financing solution for daycare spots offering families more freedom, more planning ability and thus to more compatibility of work and family. Read how Christiane found her way from banking to paving a path to diversity… Read More

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Featured image of blogpost "Being Safe Online as LGBTQ+"
Angela Lötscher

Being Safe Online as LGBTQ+

Get our tips to be safe online, even if you are straight. Do not know what difference in dangers there is if you are LGBTQ+ or straight? Even more reason to read it… Read More

Featured image; dark patterns; cybersecurity, privacy topic; UX design
Angela Lötscher

Tricked by Dark Patterns?

Amazingly – or rather scarily – even some respectable and legitimate companies apply Dark Patterns to get you to do things or share information you do not want to. Are you being tricked? Find out…… Read More

Carrer tips for introverts; image with notebook and text; career tips; introverts;
Angela Lötscher

Career Tips for Introverts

Introverted individuals tend to avoid the spotlight. But this personality trait should not hinder their career progression and if used to their advantage, can indeed help advance their career. Part I of the series… Read More

Diversity Advent Calendar typographical on holidays background with snowflakes, light, stars.a
Angela Lötscher

Diversity Advent Calendar 2022

We proudly present our Diversity Advent Calendar 2022 with awesome tips around diversity and inclusion. Get ready to add an equality spirit to the holidays and celebrate everyone’s uniqueness… Read More



From Our Events

Janine Fuchs

Die richtige Portion Mut

Am 30.11. fand ein Event von We Shape Tech in Zusammenarbeit mit Ellepreneur, einer Community für Unternehmerinnen und selbständige Frauen in Bern, statt… Read More

Janine Fuchs

The Future Gets Going

Dieses Jahr hatten wir von We Shape Tech das Vergnügen gleich bei zwei Unternehmen den Zukunftstag mitzugestalten – nämlich bei Namics und bei Google… Read More



From Our Newsletter

Tips, Tricks & Hacks

the wisdom of games podcast episode with oliver roeder

The Wisdom of Games

There’s a point in our lives when we’re told it’s time to grow up and stop playing games. But what if that advice is wrong and games are one of the best opportunity to learn about our world and even ourselves? … Read More

Image of Ardan Labs Podcast

Advancing Your Career

Sonja Price is a career strategist, salary advisor, leadership coach, and the founder of Dynamo Careers. Get tips on negotiating, how to ask for a raise, and how to get to where you want to go in your career… Read More

Building for Tomorrow

Humans always believe that we welcome the new, but in reality people often resist change. Learn more about yourself and the workings of your brain as you make decisions… Read More

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