book cover of book "More than a Glitch" by Meredith Broussard

More Than a Glitch

More Than a Glitch

We are aware that modern technologies are always fraught with prejudice and it is a fact that tech leaders in particular, should constantly keep in mind when making decisions. In “More Than a Glitch”, Meredith Broussard shows that technological neutrality is a myth and explains why algorithms need to be held accountable.

Meredith deftly combines concepts from computer science and sociology with her own experiences as one of the few black women researchers in the field of artificial intelligence.

“When technology amplifies inequality, it’s not just a glitch, it’s a signal that we need to redesign our systems to create a more equitable world. The word “glitch” implies a random error that is as easy to fix as it is to identify. But what if racism, sexism, and ableism aren’t just glitches in a largely functioning machinery, but are coded into the system itself?”

Where to Order the Book


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