

Welcome to our blog where we share valuable know-how from events, insights from role models and much more!


Welcome to our blog where we share valuable know-how from events, insights from role models and much more!

The Role Models

Portrait photo of smiling Bettina Rotzetter of role model
Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Bettina Rotzetter

Bettina Rotzetter has been working in IT for twenty years mostly in the health sector, currently as an IT Compliance expert and has recently started a new adventure as founder of a tech-startup… Read More

Portrait photo of smiling of role model Angie Born
Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Angie Born

Angie studied Interaction Design at the Hyperwerk FHNW, got a MBA in Australia and really gets a kick out of making things easier. Meet a true UX expert… Read More

Portrait photo of smiling Caitlin Krause of role model
Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Caitlin Krause

Caitlin Krause is a globally-recognized learning expert, author, and keynote speaker. As founder of the MindWise consultancy, co-founder of the Center of Wise Leadership, and a virtual reality specialist, Caitlin contributes to building products and experiences that promote humanity, innovation and emotional intelligence. … Read More

Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Nicole Grau

Nicole is an Application Manager for public services and is currently responsible for an application for about 400’000 users… Read More

Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Adrienne McCallister

Adrienne caught the tech bug from her Dad, who was a patent attorney and chemical engineer. Today, she is drawn to products and technologies that are groundbreaking… Read More

Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Andrea Berset

Andrea is proud to have had the courage to figure out what really matters to her and that she followed her goals and dreams. Today she has her own company… Read More

Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Maria Vrakopoulou

After earning her degrees in Electrical Engineering and getting her postdoctoral research funded by the Marie Curie fellowship, Maria is now focused on power systems engineering problems… Read More

Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Olga Peters

At QualySense, the high-tech company she co-founded eight years ago, she has built an amazing team of 35 people and it’s still growing. Gain some insights from this month’s role model Olga… Read More

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Melanie Gabriel

Take Aways: The Trap of Gendered Design and How to Overcome It

There are 4 traps that are easy to get caught in at any stage of your product development process. They can result in design fails that in some cases even can be fatal. However, we can overcome these traps by using the principles of User Centered Design and having the right focus.… Read More

Angela Lötscher

12 Steps for Gender Equality

It is not about the rare spotlight moments and it’s not about knowing, it’s about acting pro diversity in our daily lives and in any situation. This is how change happens… Read More



From Our Events



From Our Newsletter

Tips, Tricks & Hacks

Data-Powered Diversity

Stephanie talks about her experiences as a black woman in tech, the importance of expanding our social graphs to solve diversity challenges, and why she has largely abandoned the pursuit of traditional venture capital… Read More

Cover image Joyful Learning Podcast by Melanie Kovacs and Janine Fuchs

Joyful Learning (Podcast)

Melanie Kovacs recently launched her podcast series on “Joyful Learning”. In this episode she chats with Janine, Board Member of We Shape Tech, about learning in a community… Read More

Get Inspired by These Books & Podcasts

What crazy times we are currently living in! While digitalization seems to get a boost like never before (yay!), we also spend all our time at home (for those who can) where it sometimes might seem difficult to get new inspiration.… Read More

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