

Welcome to our blog where we share valuable know-how from events, insights from role models and much more!


Welcome to our blog where we share valuable know-how from events, insights from role models and much more!

The Role Models

Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Miriam Gantert

Miriam used to be a board member of WST and she says that founding and building up the Impact Hub Bern is the best work she’s ever had. Read why we think she is a role model… Read More

Picture of Role Model Tsigereda Nebai
Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Tsigereda Nebai

Growing up, Tsigereda got to know what being isolated as a woman in tech means. She tells us what she had to overcome to be successful as a woman in tech… Read More

Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Assia Kassabova

Assia and her team have built the whole data warehouse and business intelligence environment from ground up in one of the start-ups she worked… Read More

Picture of Role Model Alice Baumann
Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Alice Baumann

Alice is a tech fan who became a director of strategic marketing and innovation at Losinger Marazzi, which develops Smart Cities … Read More

Picture of Role Model Adrienne Fichter
Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Adrienne Fichter

Adrienne read and contributed articles to one of the first political blogs in Switzerland and she’s interested in the influence of codes and algorithms on our democracy… Read More

Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Nadja Fischer

Nadja Fischer worked in the diplomatic field, negotiating international treaties on security policy, but soon exchanged diplomacy for innovation… Read More

Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Chrys Francisco

Through the influence of her cousin, Chrys started coding at age 13. Today, she’s proud to be working for a company that has a huge impact in the world… Read More

Picture of Role Model Tatjana Nebel
Janine Fuchs

Role Model:
Tatjana Nebel

An old Amiga 500 sparked Tatjana’s fascination with technology and gadgets at the age of three, ultimately bringing her on an interesting path in technology… Read More

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Cover picture of the blog post about the Nice Girls Self-Assessment by Dr. Lois Frankel

Nice Girls Self-Assessment

The Nice Girls Self-Assessment identifies seven areas where low self-confidence can affect how we behave in our professional lives. Have you taken the test yet?… Read More

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