Did you know that WE SHAPE TECH has a recurring column in Ladies Drive magazine? As a proud partner, we are always happy to share knowledge, insights or opinions with our extended community. Read the past, newest and all future edition of our column here. And keep coming back for more!
WST Column (German)
Edition No 58
Edition No 57
Edition No 56
Edition No 55
Edition No 54
Edition No 53
Ladies Drive
In case you haven’t subscribed to Ladies Drive yet, you’re really missing out!
Swiss Ladies Drive GmbH was founded in 2007 by Sandra-Stella Triebl and Sebastian Triebl exclusively with their own resources and a lot of heart and soul. The Swiss Ladies Drive is the umbrella of their #Business Sisterhood.
The print magazine Ladies Drive is not just a business magazine for women but a so-called author magazine. Guest authors – from university professors to headhunters, from young engineers to oncologists and of course We Shape Tech – give their voice on a topic specified by the publisher, making the reader also the creator of the magazine. The result is a diverse kaleidoscope of opinions, approaches, ideas and with plenty of food for thought. Ladies Drive is published four times a year.