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Role Model:
Anna Zeiter

Dr. Anna Zeiter is Chief Privacy Officer and Vice President for Privacy, Data & AI Responsibility at eBay Inc, managing director of the eBay Marketplaces GmbH, gives key notes at international Privacy and AI conferences, teaches Privacy and Responsible AI at several universities in Europe and is a member of the Global AI Governance Advisory Board… Read More

Role Model: Ire Aderinokun

Ire Aderinokun is an independent User Interface Engineer from Nigeria. She is an invited Google Expert specialising in Web Technologies, a co-founder of Helicarrier (YC S18), building cryptocurrency infrastructure for Africa and working on several projects… Read More

Role Model:
Detty Berta

Detty’s journey led her from medicine to combining pharmaceutical science with tech, pharma leadership to Chief Strategy Officer, and finally to founding her own specialty consultancy company. She openly shares her experiences and insights as a successful professional, leader and transgender woman… Read More

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