Take Aways SIX-WST Workshop; Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry; #wetechtogether

Take Aways: Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry

Take Aways: Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry

A Collaborative Workshop by WE SHAPE TECH and SIX

In today’s fast-paced financial landscape, balancing security risk with operational quality is more crucial than ever. The integration of risk, security, and quality functions within a company can make or break its strategic direction. But who does one involve and how exactly do these departments work together? And how can your organization leverage this collaboration to achieve operational excellence?

These were the questions we sought to answer during our engaging and hands-on workshop at the #wetechtogether conference 2024. Co-hosted by WE SHAPE TECH and SIX, the session brought together experts and professionals eager to deepen their understanding of the synergy between risk, security, and quality management in the financial sector.

Take Aways SIX-WST Workshop; Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry; #wetechtogether; pen paper gadgets

A Practical Approach to Risk and Quality

Our workshop wasn’t about theoretical frameworks alone; we dug into real-world scenarios that reflected the complex challenges companies face when these critical functions aren’t aligned. The objective was to show participants how these interconnected roles – when integrated – can help ensure that a company’s products and services not only meet the highest quality standards but are also fortified against security threats.

Take Aways SIX-WST Workshop; Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry; #wetechtogether; start workshop

Participants were divided into small groups and tasked with working collaboratively to propose solutions to real-world problems. Each group had the opportunity to explore the consequences of neglecting risk and quality integration, while our facilitators provided guidance, hints, and key insights along the way. Through this interactive process, attendees didn’t just observe but actively learned how to apply these concepts in their own organizations.

Take Aways SIX-WST Workshop; Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry; #wetechtogether; start workshop, room view
Take Aways SIX-WST Workshop; Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry; #wetechtogether; start workshop

A Workshop for Everyone - No Matter the Experience Level

Whether one was a beginner trying to grasp the basics or an advanced professional looking to fine-tune their strategic approach, this workshop was designed with everyone in mind. The format was deliberately inclusive, making space for diverse voices and levels of expertise. Armed with just paper and pen, participants were ready to dive deep into the challenges and emerge with practical solutions.

Take Aways SIX-WST Workshop; Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry; #wetechtogether; brainwriting

The inclusive brainwriting method used ensured that not just the loudest, but all participants ideas were part of the solution-finding process.

The highlight of the workshop was the live demonstrations of solutions that have been successfully implemented in real-world situations. This gave participants a tangible sense of how theoretical concepts can be applied effectively in their own organizations, especially with each group’s very diverse experiences and backgrounds all weaving together during brainwriting.

Take Aways SIX-WST Workshop; Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry; #wetechtogether; workshop groups
Take Aways SIX-WST Workshop; Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry; #wetechtogether; workshop groups
Take Aways SIX-WST Workshop; Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry; #wetechtogether; workshop groups
Take Aways SIX-WST Workshop; Navigating Security Risk and Quality in the Financial Industry; #wetechtogether; workshop groups

Key Takeaways

Participants walked away with much more than theoretical knowledge. Here’s what they gained:

Practical understanding of how to integrate risk, security, and quality functions

Real-world problem-solving skills through collaborative, hands-on exercises

A new perspective on how these functions contribute to achieving operational excellence in the financial industry

An appreciation for the consequences of unresolved issues and how to approach complex challenges

The benefit of using inclusive brainwriting methods to ensure everyone can equally contribute to a solution

A Call for Future Collaboration

At WE SHAPE TECH and SIX, we believe that innovation happens at the intersection of diverse perspectives. Our workshop wasn’t just about solving problems but about empowering professionals to lead with vision and collaboration, shaping a more secure and quality-driven future for the financial industry.


Missed the event or want to re-live the spirit of the workshop? Check out all the images in the gallery.

A special thanks goes to Alice Scaroni, Janine Fuchs


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