Nice Girls Just Don't Get the Corner Office
We all like nice people. But already faced with diversity challenges, does a nice girl really get the corner office with the nice views and all other perks? Executive coach Dr. Lois Frankel thinks not – and we agree!
Dr. Frankel shared her views with the world in her best-selling book Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office, which also includes the self-assessment. In her book, she reveals a distinctive set of over 130 behaviors girls learn at an early age and which ultimately sabotage them as adults.
The assessment itself identifies seven areas where low self-confidence can affect how we behave in our professional lives, such as how we play the game, how we act and how we think.
So which type are you?
Take the Test
You can take the test on the website of Dr. Lois Frankel and remember to be very honest with yourself