mock-up of "The Digital Transformation Playbook" by David L Rogers

The Digital Transformation Playbook

The Digital Transformation Playbook

This book provides a comprehensive guide for businesses navigating the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. The author outlines strategies and frameworks to help organizations adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape. The book covers key concepts such as customer behavior in the digital era, the importance of ecosystems, and the role of data in decision-making. It offers practical insights and case studies to help leaders understand how to leverage digital technologies to transform their businesses successfully. Overall, the book serves as a playbook for businesses looking to thrive and innovate in the digital era.

Practical Insights: The book provides practical insights and actionable strategies rather than just theoretical concepts. It offers real-world examples and case studies that make the ideas more tangible and applicable.

Holistic Approach: Rogers takes a holistic approach to digital transformation, addressing various aspects such as customer behavior, ecosystems, data, and more. This comprehensive view helps readers understand the interconnected nature of digital transformation.

Accessible Language: The author communicates complex concepts in a clear and accessible language, making it suitable for a broad audience, including business leaders, managers, and those without a technical background.

Relevance: The content remains relevant as it addresses the ongoing and evolving nature of digital transformation, helping readers stay informed about the latest trends and strategies.

Strategic Focus: The book emphasizes strategic thinking, helping organizations go beyond simply adopting technology for the sake of it. Instead, it encourages a thoughtful and strategic approach to digital transformation that aligns with the overall goals of the business.

About the Author

David L. Rogers is a faculty member at Columbia Business School, where he teaches digital marketing and strategy. He is a globally recognized expert on digital business strategy, digital transformation, and the impact of technology on business. In addition to his teaching role, Rogers is a consultant and speaker who works with companies around the world, helping them navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age. As a thought leader in the field, David L. Rogers continues to influence the way businesses approach digital transformation and strategy.

Where to Order the Book


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